One of the challenges of implementing intervention within schools is timetabling. Evidence informed practice within an MTSS tells us that intervention should be in addition to and not instead of instruction. Therefore, the challenge is always affording students access yet also not compromising the curriculum. Staff at East Loddon P-12 (VIC), Parafield Gardens High School (SA), Craigmore High School (SA), Reece High School (TAS) and Como Secondary College (WA) discuss how they make timetabling and intensity of intervention to support an MTSS framework aligned with AERO’s guidance.
The team also discusses how they determine the intensity of intervention. Aligning with the evidence again intensity was achieved through a reduction in class groupings and an increase in support staff within the classroom. Students who required more intensive intervention were afforded 1-1 time with a teacher for two 20 minute periods a week. Decisions regarding the intensity of instruction adopts a universal approach of every student having 4 one hour sessions of literacy and numeracy a week.
What is perhaps missing within this illustration practice is how staff use data to make decisions regarding who and how much intervention a student receives.